Exhibition 100 Years of Romanian Animation

100 years after the first Romanian animated film was shown on a big screen, Animest set up a spectacular exhibition in order to celebrate this special century of film. The event was hosted by Rezidența BRD Scena9, Bucharest. The exhibition can now be visited virtually.
On 4 April 1920, the first screening of a Romanian animated film, Păcală in the Moon (Păcală în lună), took place at the Military Cinema in Bucharest. The short film represents the debut of the cartoonist Aurel Petrescu who became the pioneer of Romanian animation. Unfortunately, the film as such has not survived the passing of time. The story of the first ever Romanian animated film can be rediscovered in the original interpretation of three Romanian contemporary artists: Maria Bălan, Maria Surducan and Hybrid Lab.
The exhibition also hosts a collection of posters of Romanian animated films produced in the last 100 years, accompanied by a selection of films to be screened at the exhibition and a video installation curated by film critic Dana Duma. The selection of films included in the two blocks of animations dedicated to the anniversary includes titles such as Haplea, made in 1927 by Marin Iorda – the oldest Romanian animated film still preserved in the Romanian Film Archives, Scurtă istorie (A Short History, 1957), the film which turned its author, Ion Popescu Gopo, in the first Romanian to ever win a Palme d’Or, and several other great short films from the Archives, digitalized with the support of Groupama.
In 2020, Animest also celebrates 15 years of existence. The fans of the festival are invited to rediscover its retrospective: a collection of festival posters and trophies, and the screening of the films that have received the Best Romanian Film Award since the beginning of the festival. The exhibition also includes a collection of creations made by Animation Worksheep, a project initiated by Animest, which has turned into an educational platform for young animators from Romania and Moldova.
We thank our partners for their support in organising the exhibition: Rezidența BRD Scena9, Dacin Sara, The National Film Archive, Groupama, Goethe-Institut, The Night of the Museums.